Man Finds Weird Object In Backyard - When Police Arrive They Say, You Shouldn't Have Seen This

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With the summer around the corner, Mark decided it was time to finally start his DIY project in the garden. After digging for a few days, Mark felt a hard object touching the end of his shovel. He started digging more and unearthed a giant object, but at first he was unsure what it was. Mark decided to sleep on it overnight.

But in the middle of the night, Mark woke up with a start and suddenly realized what it really was, and he called the police immediately to explain that he needed their help ASAP.

Police at the house
Source: affpixture /

When the police arrived at the house, they still had no idea what they would be dealing with. Mark had not been entirely honest with them yet, as he wanted their confirmation first. He still had some hope that the metal object was not what he thought it was…

No way around it
Source: Tuwanon Jeekan /

However, the moment the officer laid eyes on it, Mark knew he had been correct. The police told Mark he shouldn’t have seen this, and he couldn’t agree more. Within minutes there were at least 20 other officers on the scene taking care of the matter

A lot of questions
Source: rzoze19 /

Mark was quickly transported to the police station. He was going to have a lot of explaining to do…

But what did Mark find on his property? Why did the police get involved, and why was Mark not supposed to see this thing?

Just wanting a pool
Source: Mallmo /

Mark’s wife Patricia had been on his ass about finally getting a pool in the garden for nearly 5 years by now. It was a promise that he had made when they bought the house but one that he had not yet delivered. Mostly because he just did not want to put in the effort, but now there was no way around it.

An unexpected problem
Source: fizkes /

They were not going on vacation this summer, and thus he had a lot of free time this year. He figured that it was a case of now or never. He hoped he would be able to finish it in about 3 weeks. But Mark would quickly run into some unexpected problems that he could not solve himself…

Digging a large hole
Source: SeventyFour /

The first step in making the pool was to dig out the hole in the garden. Because he did not want to spend too much money on the project, Mark decided to take this upon himself with the help of his 2 sons: Toby and Brian. It was like a fun family project. But one that would have a very unexpected conclusion.

Hitting something metal
Source: Unique Vision /

On the second day of digging, Mark had almost gotten the hole to the depth he intended. However, he feared the worst when his shovel suddenly hit something and sounded different than wood. Could he have hit some of the plumbing under the property? It was clearly metal that he hit, but that should not be possible…

There should be nothing here
Source: fizkes /

He had checked the documentation beforehand, which said that any plumbing and electricity should be at least half a meter lower than this. And on top of that, he had picked this exact spot because there shouldn’t be any pipes going below here at all! So what did Mark hit then?

Trying to dig it out
Source: Gorodenkoff /

In the next hour of him trying to dig out the metal obstacle, Mark quickly established that he was not dealing with pipes or anything like that. This object was much, much larger than that; furthermore, he felt like he had not even scratched the surface of this find yet…

What are they dealing with?

Mark and his sons spend the rest of the day trying to unearth their find as much as possible. But the more they got to see the metal object, the less they understood what they were dealing with. None of them had seen anything like this before.

A giant bullet?
Source: phadpangpang /

The only way that Mark could describe it was that it looked like a giant, rusted metal bullet. But of course, there had never been a weapon big enough to use such ammunition, and so it had to be something else. But Mark doubted if he was the person to discover that…

Telling somebody about the find?
Source: fizkes /

He considered telling somebody about his find. Somebody who might know more about it. But he also knew this could come with some unwanted consequences. The object would probably have to be studied and removed very carefully, and then his whole garden might get torn apart to see if other finds could be made.

Deciding against it
Source: Ela wulansar /

He would probably be compensated for everything, but it was mainly a timer concern. He just wanted to get this damn pool over and done with, and he did not need a bunch of prying investigators on his property. So he decided that the best course of action was to keep the find secret…

On his mind
Source: Leinad Roman /

But even with his decision made, the metal object did not leave Mark's mind that evening. He was supposed to rest from the hard work, but he just kept going back into the garden and using a flashlight to study the strange object. How could something this big be buried on his property without him knowing?